Giuseppe Pietrelli registers the patent called "Bench tool for repairing and / or checking damaged car bodies". After only three years he founded E.B.C.B. S.p.A then Car Bench S.p.A, then Car Bench International S.p.A.
Car Bench is the first company to invent anchoring with mounted mechanical parts, in order to considerably reduce repair times.
Car Bench introduces and patents the three-sided beam that allows the control of numerous checking points, even very close to each other.
Car Bench is the first company to place the jig bench on a four-post lift that allows the panel beater to work in ergonomics.
Car Bench introduces the first and original Universal Jig, a revolutionary system that significantly reduces the time and cost of automotive repair.
Car Bench creates universal supports for mini-jigs, a solution that constitutes the most important technical-commercial progress in the world of repairing damaged shells.
Car Bench receives exclusively the approval of its own equipment by Ferrari S.p.A.
Car Bench opens its Training Academy offering numerous highly specialized courses for various OEMs.
Car Bench is still today extremely proud to be the ONLY supplier producing equipment both for the OEMs Prototyping Divisions and for the Collision Repair Industry, reason for our slogan: “Built on Car Bench - Repaired on Car Bench®”
Car Bench patents the revolutionary “Octopus” automatic pulling system that allows the repair of any type of damage in any point of the car without modifying the mechanical and geometric characteristics of the body.
After one year of work to achieve it, Car Bench obtains the DEKRA certification for the entire management of its Quality System. From the production and prototyping of products to customer support via the Car Bench website.
Car Bench introduces the first Electronic Measuring system Contact Evolution.
Car Bench introduces the "Evolution" update to the Universal Jig Kit with 3D data which simplifies and further speeds up jigging operations.
Car Bench is granted with ISO 9001: 2015 certification, reconfirming its ability to regularly supply products and services that meet customer's requirements and expectations.
Car Bench becomes the first and only Maserati Worldwide Bodyshop Training Academy, further proof of its professional qualities.
The now historic collaboration between Car Bench International and BMW Italia is further strengthened. The important car manufacturer becomes part of the Training Academy project, joining other prestigious brands such as Ferrari and Maserati.