One of the most demanding turnkey projects Car Bench realized with success was for a Toyota owned branch in Libya. Car Bench team installed equipment in n.4 buildings spread over 164.000sqm of land in the desert with unbearable heat around 45°C and without any air-conditioning for our workers. To realize such a project with 100% success has lead Car Bench to state:
“If we can do it in these meteorological conditions in the desert, we can do it anywhere”.
The project scope of supply was to realize specific and complete working areas studied and developed by Car Bench after a thorough Pre- Inspection at site in Libya by our experts which was followed up by:
3D Layout planning – Door to Door shipment - Installation of PDI Area – Installation of Body-shop Area – Installation of Service Area – Practical and Theoretical Training Area – Stocking Area and Automized Washing Stations.