Car Bench realized a unique project for Toyota in Iraq – Baghdad for special reinforced and armed military vehicles.
Based on Toyotas specific technical request we had to study and supply special lifts installed by the Car Bench team, all special lifts had 8.000Kg lifting power with the capacity to carry out extremely precise wheel alignments on top of each one of them.
Toyota Baghdad have had several quality issues from previous suppliers in the past and which was one of the many reasons they contacted Car Bench, that not only solved their existing problems but increased the profitability of their organization.
Da: KAR Motors Iraq - Ahmed Sarchil Kazzaz
Per: Paola Pietrelli <Paola.Pietrelli@carbench.it>
Data: 04/08/2011 09:40
Oggetto: Re: Thank you
Dear Ms. Pietrelli,
It was an absolute pleasure and honour for us to host such nice, pleasant and professional gentlemen
who really made themselves feel at home from the moment they landed so we are looking forward very
much to host them again in the not too distant future as we develop our business here in Iraq.
You have a wonderful team and so I wish you all the very best prosperity and success for your very
esteemed and professional company.
Many thanks for the trust given to us by sending your technical staff to Baghdad, this is also greatly
Kind Regards,
Ahmed Sarchil Kazzaz
KAR Motors-Iraq
Toyota Authorized Service Station (TASS)