With the Car Bench Heavy Duty Truck Clamp and Anchoring system, you will be able to carry out big collision repair work on any Truck, Pickup, Van, SUV and Full Frame cars without any hassle during set up and repair procedures.
Car Bench Anchoring System, has been studied by our experts in order for one person alone to set it up easily. Within less than 10 minutes the truck will be completely anchored and tied down to the Car Bench frame in a safe and proper way, ready for any type of pulling operation.
Many old frame rack systems on the market today are stuck in the past technology and cannot be upgraded to a modern Jig Bench to fixture not only Trucks and SUVs, but also High End Aluminium vehicles that must be Jigged in order for damaged parts to be sectioned and replaced as per the OEMs approved repair methods and standards.
With Car Bench unique equipment, one product alone will cover all your repair needs, from a Truck, SUV to a Super Sport Car built with both Aluminium and Carbon fiber.
Let’s not forget to mention that also big modern trucks nowadays are built with many different materials (including Aluminium) and where a Truck Clamp alone might not be enough to do the job anymore.
Flexibility is the keyword when using Car Bench equipment - With one single investment you will be able to work on any type of vehicle or material you like and at same time be 100% sure that you are always using a fully OEM Approved Product.
Car Bench is since 1967 still today the leader on the world market carrying more Prestigious OEM Approvals than anybody else.
“Try Car Bench Heavy Duty Clamp & Anchoring System and you will never go back”.