Body in white

Body in white

BIW Assembly - Prototyping




Car Bench has a long tradition of providing prototyping services to various automotive industry's OEM's.

One of the key applications of the Protoline equipment is in the production of Body in White (BIW) parts. In order to develop a systematic method of creating BIW assemblies using modern methods of manufacture, it is important to understand the specific constraints that must be adhered to.  Here below it is outlined how the Car Bench system can be used to a commercial advantage for BIW assembly.


Body Construction Methods

The body construction method mostly employed is a conventional method using fixed welded box construction techniques that have been used across the world over many years.  

These are now looked upon as the source of many dimensional errors in body construction as well as being hard to adjust or modify should there be a design issue that requires a systematic clamping movement or location point shift.  


Set-up Of Fixtures


Conventional System (BCM)


The Vehicle Design Is Created and Released to Production Engineering to design The fixtures. The fixture design is then manufactured, assembled and inspected. A Typical fixture design and manufacturing programme is around 20 weeks. 


Car Bench Flexible System


The Vehicle design is created and during the design work the fixture designs are developed, this ensures that the fixtures are designed within a few days of the final engineering release. Fixture availability can be of 4 weeks.


Adjustment of the Fixtures for Engineering Change


Conventional System (BCM)


Adjustment is hard to undertake, requires area in need of change to be re-machined or scraped and re-made to the engineering departments requirements. 


Car Bench Flexible System


Adjustments can be validated on the 3D CAD system prior to adjustment. 


Space Required


Conventional System (BCM)



Tend to be installed in a fixed position over a fixed amount of space. This normally means a large foot print.


Car Bench Flexible System


The use of the Car Bench system ensures that you can suit the vehicle builds to the space available and if a step build is required this can be planned in the most  efficient way. 






Conventional System (BCM)


Short term costs are low due to the nature of the builds of these type of fixtures.  They can be made in China, India or Korea at a reduced cost due to current labour rates.


Car Bench Flexible System


Initial investment is medium, this is because you are investing in a set of base fixtures, however this cost over the long term becomes more competitive as changes to the fixtures can be carried out on site by assembly staff. 




Conventional System (BCM)


Master Builds are the same from vehicle to vehicle as the fixture is dedicated to the product being assembled. Standards may be centralised but tend to vary dependant upon the supplier chosen to create the fixture set. 


Car Bench Flexible System


Master Builds are generated on each vehicle as every build is to a know standard the location strategy can be developed and evaluated throughout the prototyping phase. This provide advanced information to the production facility allowing the location strategy to be adopted in production facility development or new location strategies to be  trailed without additional cost.


Length of Service


Conventional system (BCM)


Project and Platform Specific


Car Bench Flexible System


Multi Platform and Project Use, robust design and  construction leads to the  equipment lasting years after the project is at SOP. 


The parts can be replaced and/or added to, meaning that a minor damage like dropping a spot gun means that the fixture is not written off.


Weld Gun Access


Conventional System (BCM)


Spot Gun Access is assessed during the fixture design, any changes in this usually results in grinding of clamps or worse parts not clamped at all.


Car Bench Flexible System


Spot Gun accessibility is improved as gun access is review as part of the design and if the support arm or post is in the way it can be moved under deviation whilst maintaining the correct clamping or form position.


Other Uses


Conventional System (BCM)


No additional uses, specific uses.


Car Bench Flexible System


Can provide the basis of a blue buck system, long before the data would allow an out scoured blue buck to be procured. This system could be added to provide a blue buck system that is re- usable for platform changes and new programmes without further additional costs.

The advantages of a flexible system are numerous such as;


• Global fixturing standards for all development projects. This means all projects can be developed to the same standards and ensure continuity between platforms and versions. 


• Fixtures are designed in CAD matching the product design; there is no manufacturing time for the fixtures as they are currently available. The only manufacturing costs are for user defined interface parts such as profile supports. This provides a faster readiness time to production.


• Fixture Modification costs are minimal thus reducing the development costs throughout the project.  The costs are only incurred on form changes as clamping positions can be modified at zero cost.


• Master Builds are generated on each vehicle as every build is to a known standard. Location strategy can be developed and evaluated throughout the prototyping phase. This provides advanced information to the production facility allowing the location strategy to be adopted in production facility development or new location strategies to be trailed without additional cost.


• Improves the design and development time, allowing designers to spend their time focusing on the issues and as such reduces subsequent costs such as tool changes. By involving the production staff earlier in the programme, the cost of changes can be drastically reduced by assessing the design, planned sequence of build and potential quality issues.


• Provides a known build condition for all platforms and this creates a robust build history that is traceable for customers needs such as Crash and NVH.


• Time required for manufacturing is less than traditional methods.


• Longevity - This system will still be being used in 30 years time.



       Conventional system (BCM)                       Car Bench Flexible System





       Conventional system (BCM)                     Car Bench Flexible System





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